Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Constructivist Theory and Brain Development Essay
The idea of epigenesis has become well known as an integral part of the constructivist theory which states that neural activity within the brain is largely spontaneous, driven by genetic and molecular instances (Mareschal, D., Johnson, M.H., Grayson, A., 2004). However, after birth, the neural activity is influenced by sensory and motor experience and the outside environment (Mareschal et al, 2004). Epigenesis is what the constructivist theory is about, the interaction between genes and the environment. A study done by Petersen et al used PET, or positron emission tomography, to understand the responses of native English adult speakers to written stimuli in the form of English words, pseudowords or words that had no meaning but could†¦show more content†¦During development, the temporal lobe is most responsible for responding to auditory (hearing) information, however for those who cannot hear, this section was used for a different sense (Mareschal et al, 2004). This sh ows that the temporal lobe in the brain, although genetically made to hear, had used the child’s sensory experience to become prominently involved with visual processing, or in other words, adapted to the environment that the child was in. If the brain was already made for development and not influenced by the outside world and environment, it would seem to be nearly impossible for a hearing part of the brain to adapt to only visual processing. Lastly, there was a study done by Mills that tested language acquisition in children, which also showed a link to epigenesis in development. This study concluded that with experience, certain types of processing in the brain are performed by more localised regions of the cortex (Mills, D.M, Coffey, S.A, Neville, H.J., 1993). The researchers collected data from ERPs that suggested processing of small words and control stimuli is spread over a large area of the cortex at first, however, this processing narrows to an area over the lef t temporal lobe only when the child’s vocabulary reaches about 200 words, regardless of the child’s age (Mareschal et al, 2004). One could argue that if this narrowing of processing of words happens at a particular age, then that area of theShow MoreRelatedConstructivist Learning Theory And Nursing Practice1520 Words  | 7 Pagesup-to-date. â€Å"Theory-based practice provides nurses with a perspective†(Parker, 2006, p.28). With the comprehension and use of educational theories, nursing educators can support student knowledge and development into practice. These theories are outlines of cohesive concepts and principals that describe, explain, or predict how people learn. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
A Guide to Essay Topics for Frankenstein
A Guide to Essay Topics for Frankenstein Life, Death, and Essay Topics for Frankenstein Frankenstein is recognized to be among the Gothic novel expressions and it's suited for a great deal of characteristics found in a Romantic novel. Among the prominent themes of Frankenstein is the issue of human existence and religion generally speaking. Analyze the essence of the betrayal and show the way that it contributes to the significance of the work for a whole. Go over the role that nature plays within this novel. The creature did not need to live because it knows that it cannot integrate into society and so will reside in seclusion for the remainder of its life. Talk about the character of betrayal. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Essay Topics for Frankenstein As a means to pass time, they'd take part in discussions covering different topics, including scientific theories. If there are a number of difficulties in choosing the subject, concentrate on the one which reflects your personality and interests. Together with the topics, you'd discover loads of papers free of charge. While selecting a topic be sure you completely understand it. When the preparation steps are taken, you should begin writing. If you wish to succeed within this endeavor, you should organize your work in a specific manner. The writing process is a little tricky, but should you understand how to do it, you won't have a tough time composing it. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Victor's compliance. Is the monster deserve to get referred to as a masterpiece. Frankenstein falls so ill looking because of his monster he eventually dies. Not only Frankenstein dies on account of the monster, but his buddies and family are killed too. Place Frankenstein's creature these days. Though the idea was supposed to produce a horror story as swiftly as possible, Mary was unable to begin her work until later in the year due to what lots of people consider a writer's block. Actually, the story of Mary Shelley is only a sad omen of what is occuring in the twentieth century. In addition, she uses dialogue to provide the thoughts of other characters, such as the monster. Talk about the effect on Elizabeth. Argue that Dr. Frankenstein and Faust share the identical tragic flaws, or they aren't, ultimately, alike. Frankenstein is a scientist who wants to bring wisdom and life by producing the monster. Frankenstein is believed to be the modern Prometheus. Victor Frankenstein is the true monster. By doing such thing it gets rid of the terrible reputation that he'll have and that's all he really is thinking about. It's not their fault they can't write. The sort of essay you're looking for will be offered to you within the deadline offered to you. Now you can get genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done too. Write about what would occur if Victor produced a lady monster. Try out these tested suggestions to help beat writer's block. Ideal for students who must compose Frankenstein essays. Today, most college students find it difficult to compose an essay on a particular topic. Therefore, many students and employees decide to get cheap essay rather than writing it themselves. Studying only will help improve your abilities.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
My First Accident free essay sample
Disappointment, disbelief, and fear filled my mind as I stood next to my destroyed car. After a few seconds, bad emotions started running through my mind. It was a beautiful hot summer day in July. I was driving home from a fun filled day with friends on the lake, unfortunately I did not make it home right after because I was involved a car accident. What happened that afternoon changed the way I drive, taught me some valuable lessons and came to the conclusion that life is too short to take things for granted. I was coming over a hill when all of a sudden the car in front of me made a sudden stop. I instantly collided with the car. The sick rush of nervousness flowed through my body. I immediately thought to myself, â€Å"Oh no, my parents are going to kill me. Why did this have to happen to me?†I started shuffling though my purse looking for my cell phone. We will write a custom essay sample on My First Accident or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I find it and instantly call my Mother. â€Å"Hello†my mom said, trying to get the words out through all my tears. I said â€Å"Mom, I was just in an accident.†She tried to calm me down with the words of â€Å"Are you okay? I respond by saying, â€Å"I never want to drive again.†That is when all the bad thoughts starting kicking in. At this point, I am shaking uncontrollably as I manage to try and get out of my car. The lady from the other vehicle runs over to me, and as her voice stutters, manages to ask, â€Å"are you hurt?†. In fear, I respond by saying, â€Å"I’m alright, just a little scared.†As I am trying to get out of the car, the door won’t budge. At this point, I climb over and go out through my back passenger door only to see the whole front side of my car smashed in and glass shattered from the impact. Liquids are starting to flow from underneath my car. In a short distance I begin to see the red and blue lights coming. I waited for the police officer to walk over and approach me, as everything was about to unfold from what just happened. Thinking back to that hot summer day in July, I come to my senses that life’s lessons are to be taken seriously. The accident has taught me to be wiser with my actions; it has taught me that driving is a privilege and not just a game to play. As I close, I can’t express enough as to how this experience has changed me as a person. Attending college at the UW-Milwaukee will be one privilege I challenge myself to, knowing there will be plenty of ups and downs to deal with. I look forward to it and to whatever may hold for my future!
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Opinion on Fisher v. Texas
The case of Fisher vs. Texas Affirmative Action was used as a defense in a race matter. Affirmative Action was created in order to make sure that certain populations or groups of people of specific race are not outnumbered by the predominant people. It came into existence in order to battle discrimination that was developing in the last decades.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Opinion on Fisher v. Texas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It also includes gender and allows for specific criteria to be used when selecting people for employment or other reasons. Initially, supreme courts were defending places that implemented such policies due to the fact that there was a group that would negatively interact with the minority at a specific location. This led to many cases that were won according to the procedures. Fisher vs. Texas has established case law through another matterâ€â€Grutter v. Bollinger, which w as of the same scope. As a result, a Caucasian woman was rejected to enroll in University of Texas according to her race. This was thought to be a positive influence on the local community, but she decided to file an appeal. It is crucial to note that as soon as the Affirmative Action policy was implemented, it raised some debate with regard to its ethics and morals. This criticism is far reaching, as all the cases were handled with due process and fairness of the law. From one point it is difficult to see how any segregation can be a positive thing. Not allowing any group to de admitted, even if there is a greater number of people of any race, is still discrimination.[1] This case is important because it has historical significance in relation to other similar cases, especially amongst teaching institutions. People should not be denied education in case they are different from the desired group. Also, it is close to impossible to establish if there are any benefits is segregating c ertain underrepresented groups within a community. There are various constitutional issues that are connected to this legislation. These arguments focus on the consistency of the legislation with the constitution. This policy needs to be amended because it violates the rights of people. The criteria for deciding whether the policy should be adjusted are to be established, so that the evaluation for probability of representation is conducted in tandem with the court hearing. The court should apply the law to those areas where discrimination is harming people and preventing them from getting into a community. At the same time, the circumstances of the case play an important role, as even sometimes there could be factors that might turn out to be negative. For example, if the woman would be harassed because of the particular environment she was getting herself in, it could be wiser to acknowledge the possibility that it will happen.Advertising Looking for assessment on political s ciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As long as she received the proper knowledge about the situation and gets a chance to decide for herself, then it would be appropriate. Overall, the system should consider the reasons and the existing consequences. The Affirmative Action policy works only for special cases. Its weaknesses outweigh the perceived benefits. The initiation of this policy reflects a fault in the judiciary system, as it fails to live up to the expectation of the society and the multicultural location of some public institutions. Not to mention that is clearly victimizes individuals who are rightfully entitled to freedom and a fair chance at employment or education. Changes in the facilities must be made to ensure that people undergo environmental assimilation once they pass through the system.[2] If the matter was upheld, the society would be affected in a negative way. Places where people of specific race would w ant to exclude everyone else would appear. This would provide for unfair distribution of resources and access to specific facilities or other places. The society must understand that visual differences are only topical and in order to change the social fabric of a nation, people must be educated about the true differences between people and the value of race. The court has to perceive a high degree surety that the probability of the personal, physical or mental harm is inevitable. However, there is sometimes likelihood that a judge may commit fundamental attribution error in his or her decision to apply Affirmative Action, leading to unfair treatment and rights violations. Sometimes the evidence presented points in the wrong direction and does not allow objective and fair decision to be made. People of social and psychological education are often instrumental in providing testimony, but their perspective or recollection of events might be skewed from the truth. Sufficient studies an d research must be objectionable and give full credit to people who want to enter a specific community that might want to implement the policy. Overall, each case is unique and should be closely taken apart. Bibliography Barnett, Hilarie. Constitutional Administrative Law. London, England: Routledge, 2012. â€Å"Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin et al.†Supreme Court of the United States, 2012. We will write a custom assessment sample on Opinion on Fisher v. Texas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Footnotes â€Å"Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin et al.†Supreme Court of the United States, 2012. Hilaire Barnett. Constitutional Administrative Law. (London, England: Routledge, 2012). This assessment on Opinion on Fisher v. Texas was written and submitted by user Livia Hobbs to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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